DATE: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Offices, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste 240, Pleasanton, CA 94588
TIME: 8:30AM – 12:00PM IN-PERSON
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda order and if there are any board members present that need to declare a conflict of interest.
BROWN ACT: Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting and at least 24 hours prior to a special meeting. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify Tracy Farhad (925) 417-6688 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
NOTICE TO PUBLIC: You are welcome and encouraged to participate in this meeting. Public comment is taken on items at the beginning of the meeting. Public Comment on items not listed on the agenda and public comment on items on the agenda will be heard at the beginning of the meeting. Comments on controversial items may be limited and large groups are encouraged to select one or two speakers to represent the opinion of the group. The order of Agenda items is listed for reference and may be taken in any order deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. The agenda provides a general description and staff recommendations; however, the Board of Directors may take action other than what is recommended.
Next Meeting: April 16, 2025 (Location Visit Tri-Valley Offices; 9:00am-10:30am)
DATE: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
LOCATION: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Pleasanton at the Club (7050 Johnson Dr Pleasanton, CA 94588)
TIME: 8:30AM – 12:00PM IN-PERSON
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda order and if there are any board members present that need to declare a conflict of interest.
BROWN ACT: Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting and at least 24 hours prior to a special meeting. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify Tracy Farhad (925) 417-6688 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
NOTICE TO PUBLIC: You are welcome and encouraged to participate in this meeting. Public comment is taken on items at the beginning of the meeting. Public Comment on items not listed on the agenda and public comment on items on the agenda will be heard at the beginning of the meeting. Comments on controversial items may be limited and large groups are encouraged to select one or two speakers to represent the opinion of the group. The order of Agenda items is listed for reference and may be taken in any order deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. The agenda provides a general description and staff recommendations; however, the Board of Directors may take action other than what is recommended.
Next Meeting: March 19th, 2025 (Location Visit Tri-Valley Offices; 9:00am-10:00am)
DATE: Wednesday, August 21 2024
LOCATION: VTV Offices, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM IN-PERSON
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any ..board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 16, 2024, IN-PERSON
Annual Luncheon: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Please claim your complementary tickets.
DATE: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM IN-PERSON
1)Call to Order……………………………………………………………………………………………………………McDonnell
2)Public Comments ……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………. All
3)Approval of Agenda………………………………………………………………………………………………….McDonnell
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to
declare a conflict of interest.
4)5 Year Strategic Plan…………………………………………………………………………….……………JLL
5)Approval of August Minutes………….…..….. .…………….………….…………..………….…….….…Koidal
6)Financials………………………………………………………………………………………..… ……………Hill
a)Approval of July, August and September Financials
b)Proposal for Board Retreat
7)President, Vice President & Director Reports……………..…………………………….……Dibs/Fahr/Farhad
a)Introduction of Hillary Bamont – Sales Consultant – Dibs
8)Committee Updates…………………………………………..………………………..…………..…..See below
a)By-laws & Nominations
b)Tourism Cares
c)Cultural & Heritage
d)5 Year Destination Strategic Plan
e)Ad-hoc Committees
Upcoming Board Meeting: 1/17/24 in-person at Visit Tri-Valley offices per the Brown Act/End of emergency
DATE: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM IN-PERSON
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meeting: 9/14/23 Annual Luncheon and 11/15/23 in-person at Visit Tri-Valley offices per the Brown Act/End of emergency status.
Teams Meeting access: Meeting ID: 275 899 253 61 Passcode: o8e25Z
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, April 19, 2023
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM IN PERSON
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meeting: 6/21/23 in-person at Visit Tri-Valley offices per the Brown Act/End of emergency status.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, March 15, 2023
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM IN PERSON
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meetings: 4/19/23 and 6/21/23 in-person at Visit Tri-Valley offices per the Brown Act/End of emergency status.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, January 18, 2023
LOCATION: Via Zoom Meeting ID: 584 648 523/Visit Tri-Valley Office
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Adopt findings to continue holding meetings of Visit Tri-Valley Board of Directors by teleconference. (Required by The Brown Act)
Upcoming Board Meetings: 3/15/23,4/19/23 and 6/21,23 in-person at Visit Tri-Valley offices per the Brown Act/End of emergency status.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, October 18, 2022
LOCATION: Via Zoom Meeting ID: 584 648 523/Visit Tri-Valley Office
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Adopt findings to continue holding meetings of Visit Tri-Valley Board of Directors by teleconference. (Required by The Brown Act)
Upcoming Board Meetings/Events: 1/18/22 via Zoom or at Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton, CA 94588, December Holiday Outing Thursday, December 15th, 4-6pm (venue TBD).
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, June 20, 2022
LOCATION: Via Zoom Meeting ID: 584 648 523/Visit Tri-Valley Office
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meetings/Events: 10/19/22 via Zoom or at Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton, CA 94588, Annual Luncheon 9/13 (Blackhawk Museum), and December Holiday Outing (date/venue TBD).
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, June 20, 2022
LOCATION: Via Zoom Meeting ID: 584 648 523/Visit Tri-Valley Office
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meetings/Events: 10/19/22 via Zoom or at Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton, CA 94588, Annual Luncheon 9/13 (Blackhawk Museum), and December Holiday Outing (date/venue TBD).
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, June 15, 2022
LOCATION: Via Zoom Meeting ID: 584 648 523/Visit Tri-Valley Office
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meetings: 7/20/2022 via Zoom or at Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, April 20, 2022
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 584-648-523)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meetings: 5/18/2022 and 6/15/2022 via Zoom until further notice.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meetings: no March meeting, 4/20/2022, 5/18/2022, 6/15/2022 via Zoom until further notice.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, January 19, 2022
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Upcoming Board Meetings: 2/16/2022, no March meeting, 4/20/2022, 5/18/2022, 6/15/2022 via Zoom.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Next Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Next Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. Palm Event Center, Pleasanton
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, July 21, 2021
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Next Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, August 18, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, June 16, 2021
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Next Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, July 21, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Next Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, January 19, 2021
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894-989)
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, November 18, 2020
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894989)
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, October 21, 2020
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894989)
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, July 15, 2020
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894989)
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, June 17, 2020
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894989)
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894989)
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, April 15, 2020
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting Space ( code: 551-894989)
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, February 19, 2020
LOCATION: Hyatt House, 4545 Chabot Dr., Pleasanton
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, January 15, 2020 9:00 a.m.
Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, November 13, 2019, 9:30 a.m.
Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton, CA. 94588
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Sabio on Main, 501 Main St., Pleasanton
Thursday, August 22, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd., Pleasanton
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Visit Tri-Valley, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton, CA. 94588
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, April 17, 2019
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, January 16, 2019
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, November 21, 2018
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, October 17, 2018
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.
Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, July 18, 2018
LOCATION: Visit Tri-Valley Office, 5075 Hopyard Rd. Ste. 240, Pleasanton
TIME: 9:00 AM
Chair asks if there are any changes to the agenda and if there were any board members present that needed to declare a conflict of interest.